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・ Index of physics articles (S)

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Index of physics articles (E) : ウィキペディア英語版
Index of physics articles (E)
The index of physics articles is split into multiple pages due to its size.
To navigate by individual letter use the table of contents below.

*E. Peter Raynes
*E872 experiment
*E=MC2 (disambiguation)
*EGS (program)
*EMF meter
*EMMA (accelerator)
*EN 207
*EPR paradox
*EP quantum mechanics
*ERF damper
*ESS Bilbao
*ETH Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
*Earl W. McDaniel
*Earle Hesse Kennard
*Earle M. Terry
*Earnshaw's theorem
*Earth's magnetic field
*Earth's shadow
*Earth, Moon, and Planets
*Earth-Moon barycenter
*Earth and Planetary Science Letters
*Earth tide
*Earth–ionosphere waveguide
*Eastman Jacobs
*Easy Java Simulations
*Easy axis
*Ebullioscopic constant
*Eccentric anomaly
*Eccentricity vector
*Echo (phenomenon)
*Echo chamber
*Eckert number
*Eckman number
*Ed Grothus
*Ed Lu
*Ed Seidel
*Eddington luminosity
*Eddington number
*Eddington–Finkelstein coordinates
*Eddy (fluid dynamics)
*Eddy current
*Eddy diffusion
*Eden growth model
*Edgar Buckingham
*Edgar Choueiri
*Edgar D. Zanotto
*Edge-localized mode
*Edge-of-the-wedge theorem
*Edge wave
*Edme Mariotte
*Edmond Halley
*Edmund Clifton Stoner
*Edoardo Amaldi
*Édouard Branly
*Édouard Brézin
*Eduard Grüneisen
*Eduard Prugovečki
*Eduard Shpolsky
*Education and training of electrical and electronics engineers
*Edward A. Guggenheim
*Edward A. Irving
*Edward Alan Knapp
*Edward Andrade
*Edward Arthur Milne
*Edward Bennett (physicist)
*Edward Bennett Rosa
*Edward Bouchet
*Edward Bullard
*Edward Condon
*Edward Drobyshevski
*Edward George Bowen
*Edward Hinds
*Edward J. Lofgren
*Edward Kasner
*Edward Kolb
*Edward L. Wright
*Edward Leamington Nichols
*Edward Lee (scientist)
*Edward Mills Purcell
*Edward Morley
*Edward Nairne
*Edward P. Ney
*Edward Pigot
*Edward Ramberg
*Edward Salisbury Dana
*Edward Samuel Ritchie
*Edward Spiegel
*Edward Teller
*Edward Tryon
*Edward Victor Appleton
*Edward W. Piotrowski
*Edward Witten
*Edwin Bidwell Wilson
*Edwin C. Kemble
*Edwin F. Taylor
*Edwin Fitch Northrup
*Edwin Hall
*Edwin Hubble
*Edwin Power
*Edwin Thompson Jaynes
*Effect of sun angle on climate
*Effective action
*Effective atomic number
*Effective diffusion coefficient
*Effective dose (radiation)
*Effective field theory
*Effective input noise temperature
*Effective mass (solid-state physics)
*Effective medium model
*Effective nuclear charge
*Effective potential
*Effective radiated power
*Effects of nuclear explosions
*Effects of nuclear explosions on human health
*Effects of relativity on GPS
*Efim Fradkin
*Efimov effect
*Efimov state
*Egbert Kankeleit
*Egg drop competition
*Egon Bretscher
*Egon Orowan
*Egon Schweidler
*Ehlers group
*Ehrenfest equations
*Ehrenfest paradox
*Ehrenfest theorem
*Eight-Foot High Speed Tunnel
*Eightfold Way (physics)
*Einasto profile
*Einstein's awards and honors
*Einstein's box
*Einstein's unsuccessful investigations
*Einstein's views on the aether
*Einstein-Maxwell equations
*Einstein (unit)
*Einstein Cross
*Einstein Papers Project
*Einstein Symposium
*Einstein Telescope
*Einstein Tower
*Einstein aether theory
*Einstein field equations
*Einstein force
*Einstein manifold
*Einstein notation
*Einstein protocol
*Einstein radius
*Einstein refrigerator
*Einstein relation (kinetic theory)
*Einstein ring
*Einstein solid
*Einstein synchronisation
*Einstein tensor
*Einstein–Brillouin–Keller method
*Einstein–Cartan theory
*Einstein–Cartan–Evans theory
*Einstein–Hilbert action
*Einstein–Hopf Drag
*Einstein–Infeld–Hoffmann equations
*Einstein–Szilárd letter
*Einzel lens
*Ekman layer
*Ekman number
*Ekman spiral
*Ekman spirals
*Ekman transport
*Ekmel Özbay
*Ekpyrotic universe
*Elastic collision
*Elastic energy
*Elastic modulus
*Elastic potential energy
*Elastic recoil detection
*Elastic scattering
*Elastic wave
*Elastica theory
*Elasticity (physics)
*Elda Emma Anderson
*Electric-field integral equation
*Electric-field screening
*Electric Tokamak
*Electric arc
*Electric charge
*Electric current
*Electric dipole moment
*Electric dipole spin resonance
*Electric dipole transition
*Electric discharge
*Electric displacement field
*Electric effective resistance
*Electric field
*Electric field NMR
*Electric field gradient
*Electric flux
*Electric form factor
*Electric generator
*Electric motor
*Electric potential
*Electric potential energy
*Electric power
*Electric shock
*Electric spark
*Electric susceptibility
*Electric torque
*Electric torque (disambiguation)
*Electrical breakdown
*Electrical conductance
*Electrical impedance
*Electrical mobility
*Electrical network
*Electrical phenomena
*Electrical reactance
*Electrical resistivity and conductivity
*Electrical resistivity tomography
*Electro-absorption modulator
*Electro-optic effect
*Electro-optic modulator
*Electrocaloric effect
*Electrochemical Society
*Electrochemical gradient
*Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
*Electrochemical noise
*Electrodeless plasma excitation
*Electrodeless plasma thruster
*Electrodynamic suspension
*Electrodynamic tether
*Electrogravitic tensor
*Electrohydrodynamic thruster
*Electroluminescent display
*Electrolytic detector
*Electromagnetic absorbers
*Electromagnetic absorption by water
*Electromagnetic brake
*Electromagnetic buoyancy
*Electromagnetic cavity
*Electromagnetic cloak
*Electromagnetic compatibility
*Electromagnetic environment
*Electromagnetic field
*Electromagnetic force
*Electromagnetic four-potential
*Electromagnetic induction
*Electromagnetic interference control
*Electromagnetic mass
*Electromagnetic metamaterials
*Electromagnetic pulse
*Electromagnetic radiation
*Electromagnetic radiation and health
*Electromagnetic reverberation chamber
*Electromagnetic shielding
*Electromagnetic spectroscopy
*Electromagnetic spectrum
*Electromagnetic stress–energy tensor
*Electromagnetic tensor
*Electromagnetic wave equation
*Electromagnetically induced transparency
*Electromagnetics (journal)
*Electromechanical coupling coefficient
*Electromotive force
*Electron-capture dissociation
*Electron-cloud effect
*Electron-longitudinal acoustic phonon interaction
*Electron Magnetic Resonance
*Electron Microscopy Center
*Electron affinity
*Electron avalanche
*Electron backscatter diffraction
*Electron beam freeform fabrication
*Electron beam ion source
*Electron beam lithography
*Electron beam physical vapor deposition
*Electron beam processing
*Electron beam technology
*Electron binding energy
*Electron bubble
*Electron capture
*Electron cloud
*Electron configuration
*Electron configurations of the elements (data page)
*Electron crystallography
*Electron cyclotron resonance
*Electron density
*Electron diffraction
*Electron electric dipole moment
*Electron excitation
*Electron gun
*Electron hole
*Electron ionization
*Electron liquid
*Electron magnetic dipole moment
*Electron microprobe
*Electron microscope
*Electron mobility
*Electron mobility (solid-state physics)
*Electron multiplier
*Electron neutrino
*Electron optics
*Electron paramagnetic resonance
*Electron rest mass
*Electron scattering
*Electron shell
*Electron spectrometer
*Electron spin resonance
*Electron spiral toroid
*Electron temperature
*Electron tomography
*Electron wake
*Electron wave-packet interference
*Electroneutral exchange
*Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics
*Electronic anticoincidence
*Electronic band structure
*Electronic correlation
*Electronic density
*Electronic imager
*Electronic pest control
*Electronic speckle pattern interferometry
*Electronic state
*Electron–positron annihilation
*Electroosmotic flow
*Electrorheological fluid
*Electrospray ionization
*Electrostatic deflection
*Electrostatic discharge
*Electrostatic generator
*Electrostatic induction
*Electrostatic ion thruster
*Electrostatic lens
*Electrostatic levitation
*Electrovacuum solution
*Electroweak epoch
*Electroweak interaction
*Electroweak scale
*Electroweak star
*Electroweak symmetry breaking
*Eleftheriades, G.V.
*Eleftheriades, George
*Eleftheriades, George V.
*Elektronika (journal)
*Elementary charge
*Elementary particle
*Elements: An International Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Petrology
*Elements of Dynamic
*Elepter Andronikashvili
*Elevator paradox (physics)
*Eli Barkai
*Eli Franklin Burton
*Eli Turkel
*Eli Yablonovitch
*Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester
*Eliyahu M. Goldratt
*Elizabeth Rauscher
*Elizabeth Rhoades
*Ellery Schempp
*Elliott H. Lieb
*Elliptic orbit
*Elliptical polarization
*Elliptical wing
*Ellis–Karliner angle
*Elsa M. Garmire
*Elwin Bruno Christoffel
*Emanoil Bacaloglu
*Emanuel Kamber
*Emergency Core Cooling System
*Emerson Cavitation Tunnel
*Emil Bose
*Emil Cohn
*Emil Konopinski
*Emil Martinec
*Emil Rupp
*Emil Warburg
*Emil Wiechert
*Emil Wolf
*Emile Amagat
*Émile Verdet
*Émilie du Châtelet
*Emilio G. Segrè
*Emilio Oribe
*Emilio Zavattini
*Emilios T. Harlaftis
*Emission-aware programming
*Emission (electromagnetic radiation)
*Emission coefficient
*Emission spectroscopy
*Emission spectrum
*Emission spectrum (fluorescence spectroscopy)
*Emission theory
*Emlyn Rhoderick
*Emmanuel Maignan
*Emory Leon Chaffee
*Empirical formula
*Empty lattice approximation
*Encircled energy
*End correction
*Endel Aruja
*Endoreversible thermodynamics
*Ene Ergma
*Energies per unit mass
*Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
*Energy Catalyzer
*Energy Citations Database
*Energy Research Abstracts
*Energy Science and Technology Database
*Energy Technology Data Exchange
*Energy amplifier
*Energy and Environmental Security Initiative
*Energy applications of nanotechnology
*Energy arc
*Energy carrier
*Energy condition
*Energy conversion efficiency
*Energy current
*Energy density
*Energy drift
*Energy eigenstates
*Energy landscape
*Energy level
*Energy level splitting
*Energy medicine
*Energy operator
*Energy recovery linac
*Energy scale
*Energy spectrum
*Energy technologies
*Energy technology
*Energy transformation
*Energy–momentum relation
*Engelbert Broda
*Engelbert Schücking
*Engin Arık
*Engineering Science
*Engineering diffraction
*Engineering physics
*Englert–Greenberger duality relation
*Enhanced Fujita Scale
*Enhancement or quenching of QD, Q-wire and QW radiations
*Enid MacRobbie
*Ennio Candotti
*Enriched Xenon Observatory
*Enriched uranium
*Enrico Costa (physicist)
*Enrico Fermi
*Enrico Fermi Award
*Enrico Fermi Nuclear Power Plant (Italy)
*Enrico Persico
*Enrique Gaviola
*Enrique Loedel Palumbo
*Enrique Marcatili
*Ensemble (fluid mechanics)
*Ensemble average
*Ensemble interpretation
*Enthalpy change of solution
*Enthalpy of fusion
*Enthalpy of neutralization
*Enthalpy of sublimation
*Enthalpy of vaporization
*Enthalpy–entropy chart
*Entrainment (hydrodynamics)
*Entrainment (physics)
*Entrance pupil
*Entropic explosion
*Entropic force
*Entropic gravity
*Entropy (arrow of time)
*Entropy (astrophysics)
*Entropy (classical thermodynamics)
*Entropy (energy dispersal)
*Entropy (general concept)
*Entropy (information theory)
*Entropy (journal)
*Entropy (order and disorder)
*Entropy (statistical thermodynamics)
*Entropy and life
*Entropy in thermodynamics and information theory
*Entropy of a probability distribution
*Entropy of fusion
*Entropy of mixing
*Entropy of vaporization
*Environment (systems)
*Environmental Research Letters
*Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society
*Environmental impact of wind power
*Environmental isotopes
*Environmental magnetism
*Environmental radioactivity
*Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy
*Ephraim Katzir
*Epsilon radiation
*Equal-loudness contour
*Equation of State Calculations by Fast Computing Machines
*Equation of state
*Equation of state (cosmology)
*Equation of the center
*Equations for a falling body
*Equations of motion
*Equatorial waves
*Equilibrium mode distribution
*Equilibrium thermodynamics
*Equipartition theorem
*Equipotential surface
*Equivalence of direct radiation
*Equivalence principle
*Equivalent circuit
*Equivalent dose
*Equivalent dumping coefficient
*Equivalent noise resistance
*Equivalent potential temperature
*Equivalent rectangular bandwidth
*Equivalent temperature
*Er:YAG laser
*Erbium-doped waveguide amplifier
*Erdal İnönü
*Erect image
*Ergodic hypothesis
*Eric Allin Cornell
*Eric Fawcett
*Eric Isaacs
*Eric Kandel
*Eric Lerner
*Eric M. Rogers
*Eric Mazur
*Eric Poisson
*Eric Van Stryland
*Eric Voice
*Erich Bagge
*Erich Fischer
*Erich Hückel
*Erich Kretschmann
*Erich P. Ippen
*Erich Peter Wohlfarth
*Erich Regener
*Erich Sackmann
*Erich Schumann
*Erich Vogt
*Erich von Drygalski
*Erick Weinberg
*Ericsson cycle
*Eridanus Supervoid
*Erik Edlund
*Erik Verlinde
*Ernest C. Pollard
*Ernest Courant
*Ernest Hanbury Hankin
*Ernest Harry Vestine
*Ernest Howard Griffiths
*Ernest J. Sternglass
*Ernest Lawrence
*Ernest Lester Jones
*Ernest Marsden
*Ernest Rutherford
*Ernest Walton
*Ernest William Titterton
*Ernesto Sabato
*Ernie Tuck
*Ernst Abbe
*Ernst Brüche
*Ernst Chladni
*Ernst Emil Alexander Back
*Ernst G. Bauer
*Ernst Gehrcke
*Ernst Henry Krause
*Ernst Ising
*Ernst Lecher
*Ernst Mach
*Ernst Messerschmid
*Ernst R. G. Eckert
*Ernst Regener
*Ernst Rexer
*Ernst Ruska
*Ernst Stueckelberg
*Ernst Stuhlinger
*Ernst W. Hamburger
*Erwin Fues
*Erwin Hahn
*Erwin Madelung
*Erwin Marquit
*Erwin Saxl
*Erwin Schrödinger
*Erwin Wilhelm Müller
*Escape orbit
*Escape velocity
*Esteban Terradas i Illa
*Esther M. Conwell
*Estia J. Eichten
*Estonian Physical Society
*Eta meson
*Eta prime meson
*Eternal inflation
*Etheric force
*Étienne-Gaspard Robert
*Étienne-Louis Malus
*Ettingshausen effect
*Ettore Majorana
*Etymology of electricity
*Euclidean quantum gravity
*Euclidean vector
*Eudemus of Rhodes
*Eugen Brodhun
*Eugen Goldstein
*Eugen Merzbacher
*Eugen von Lommel
*Eugene C. Bingham
*Eugene C. Crittenden
*Eugene Feenberg
*Eugene Guth
*Eugene I. Gordon
*Eugene Levich
*Eugene Mallove
*Eugene McDermott
*Eugene Podkletnov
*Eugene Rabinowitch
*Eugene T. Booth
*Eugene Wigner
*Eugeniu Plohotniuc
*Eugène Cremmer
*Euler's Disk
*Euler's equations (rigid body dynamics)
*Euler's laws of motion
*Euler's three-body problem
*Euler equations (fluid dynamics)
*Euler force
*Euler number (physics)
*Euler–Bernoulli beam theory
*Euler–Heisenberg Lagrangian
*Euler–Lagrange equation
*Euler–Tricomi equation
*European Biophysics Journal
*European Combined Geodetic Network
*European Geosciences Union
*European Journal of Physics
*European Muon Collaboration
*European Nuclear Society
*European Optical Society
*European Physical Journal
*European Physical Journal A
*European Physical Journal B
*European Physical Journal C
*European Physical Journal D
*European Physical Journal E
*European Physical Journal H
*European Physical Society
*European Spallation Source
*European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
*European Underground Rare Event Calorimeter Array
*European x-ray free electron laser
*Eva Ekeblad
*Eva Nogales
*Eva Silverstein
*Evan Harris Walker
*Evanescent wave
*Evanescent wave coupling
*Evaporative cooler
*Evelyn Hu
*Event (particle physics)
*Event generator
*Event horizon
*Event reconstruction
*Event symmetry
*Everette Lee DeGolyer
*Evershed effect
*Evgeni Gross
*Evgenii Feinberg
*Evgeny Aramovich Abramyan
*Evgeny Lifshitz
*Evgeny Velikhov
*Ewald's sphere
*Ewald Georg von Kleist
*Ewald Wollny
*Ewald construction
*Ewald summation
*Exa Corp.
*Exact solutions in general relativity
*Exact solutions of Einstein's field equations
*Exact solutions of classical central-force problems
*Exchange bias
*Exchange current density
*Exchange force
*Exchange interaction
*Exchange interactions
*Exchange symmetry
*Excimer laser
*Excitable medium
*Excitation function
*Excitation spectrum
*Excitation temperature
*Excited state
*Exclusion area
*Exclusive correlation spectroscopy
*Exergy efficiency
*Exoelectron emission
*Exotic atom
*Exotic baryon
*Exotic hadron
*Exotic matter
*Exotic meson
*Exotic particle
*Exotic star
*Expander cycle (rocket)
*Expansion deflection nozzle
*Expectation value (quantum mechanics)
*Experimental physics
*Experiments in Fluids
*Experiments of Rayleigh and Brace
*Explicit symmetry breaking
*Exploration geophysics
*Explorer 1
*Exponential dichotomy
*Exposure assessment
*Extended X-ray absorption fine structure
*Extended periodic table
*Extended supersymmetry
*Extensional viscosity
*Exterior covariant derivative
*External ballistics
*External combustion engine
*External flow
*Extinct radionuclide
*Extinction cross
*Extra high tension
*Extragalactic cosmic ray
*Extrasolar planet
*Extremal black hole
*Extreme Light Infrastructure
*Extreme Universe Space Observatory
*Extremely high frequency
*Extremely low frequency
*Eye (cyclone)
*Ezer Griffiths
*Ezra T. Newman
*Eötvös experiment
*Eötvös number

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